
Deep Space

All images taken from my backyard observatory

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  • IC1805

    Megrez 80mm, triplet, fluorite. STF-8300 camera.
    Baader Ha, SII, OIII filters. 18 hours image time.
    Captured in Nebulosity 4, guiding with PHD2

  • IC1805

  • M13

    Newtonian, SBIG ST2000M, Baader LRGB Filters, 4.0 Hours Lum, 2 Hours RGB (combined)
    Captured in Nebulosity, Guiding with PHD2

  • M13

  • M51

    Newtonian, SBIG ST2000M, Baader LRGB Filters, 7.5 Hours Lum
    4.5 Hours RGB (combined). Captured in Nebulosity, Guiding with PHD2

  • M51

  • M81

    Newtonian, SBIG ST2000M, Baader LRGB Filters. 4.5 Hours Lum,
    4.5 Hours RGB (combined). Captured in Nebulosity, Guiding with PHD

  • M81

  • NGC7635

    Newtonian, SBIG ST2000M, Baader Ha & OIII filters. Captured in Nebulosity, Guiding with PHD

  • NGC7635

  • NGC2237

    SII, Ha, OIII. Sbig ST-2000, Atlas mount, Megrez triplet Fluorite 80/480 at 400mm fl. Captured using Nebulosity, guiding with PHD, mount controlled by EQDIR. Will add up the total time as many frames were lost due to passing clouds.

  • NGC2237

  • NGC1499

    Ha channel, Sbig ST-2000, Atlas mount, Megrez triplet Fluorite 80/480 at prive. Capture using Nebulosity, guiding with PHD, mount controlled by EQDIR. 2.5 hours of out of focus capture time, third quarter moon.

  • NGC1499

  • NGC281

    SII, Ha, OIII. Sbig ST-2000, Atlas mount, Megrez triplet Fluorite 80/480 at prime. Capture using Nebulosity, guiding with PHD, mount controlled by EQDIR and Starry Night Pro. 90 minutes each channel, full moon.

  • NGC281

  • M45

    A bad night on this one. False color using 30 minutes of Lum (20 at 90 seconds). Sbig ST-2000, Atlas mount, Megrez triplet Fluorite 80/480 at 400mm fl. Captured, pre-process Nebulosity, unguided.

  • M45

  • IC1848

    SII, Ha, OIII. Sbig ST-2000XM, Atlas mount, Megrez triplet Fluorite 80/480 at 400mm fl. Guide with PHD, Captured pre-process Nebulosity, mount controls, EQDIR. Lost half my SII channel to a poor connection at camera to tube.

  • IC1848

  • IC1805

    SII, Ha, OIII. Sbig ST-2000, Atlas mount, Megrez triplet Fluorite 80/480 Guide with PHD, capture pre-process Nebulosity, mount controls EQDIR.

  • IC1805

  • M33

    Sbig ST2000XM, Atlas mount, Megrez triplet Fluorite 80/480 Red: 19@96 seconds, Green: 37@49 seconds, Blue: 43@42 seconds, Lum: 135@73 seconds. PHD, Nebulosity, EQDIR.

  • M33

  • NGC6992

    Sometime in 07, using a Canon Rebel XT (modified) on the 8" HPN. Celestron ASGT mount.

  • NGC6992

  • Cygnus Loop

    Also somewhere in 07, using a Canon Rebel XT (modified) on the 80mm Megrez. Celestron ASGT mount.

  • Cygnus Loop
