Baader Ha, SII, OIII filters. 18 hours image time.
Captured in Nebulosity 4, guiding with PHD2
Newtonian, SBIG ST2000M, Baader LRGB Filters, 4.0 Hours Lum, 2 Hours RGB (combined)
Captured in Nebulosity, Guiding with PHD2
Newtonian, SBIG ST2000M, Baader LRGB Filters, 7.5 Hours Lum
4.5 Hours RGB (combined). Captured in Nebulosity, Guiding with PHD2
Newtonian, SBIG ST2000M, Baader LRGB Filters. 4.5 Hours Lum,
4.5 Hours RGB (combined). Captured in Nebulosity, Guiding with PHD
Newtonian, SBIG ST2000M, Baader Ha & OIII filters. Captured in Nebulosity, Guiding with PHD
SII, Ha, OIII. Sbig ST-2000, Atlas mount, Megrez triplet Fluorite 80/480 at 400mm fl. Captured using Nebulosity, guiding with PHD, mount controlled by EQDIR. Will add up the total time as many frames were lost due to passing clouds.
Ha channel, Sbig ST-2000, Atlas mount, Megrez triplet Fluorite 80/480 at prive. Capture using Nebulosity, guiding with PHD, mount controlled by EQDIR. 2.5 hours of out of focus capture time, third quarter moon.
SII, Ha, OIII. Sbig ST-2000, Atlas mount, Megrez triplet Fluorite 80/480 at prime. Capture using Nebulosity, guiding with PHD, mount controlled by EQDIR and Starry Night Pro. 90 minutes each channel, full moon.
A bad night on this one. False color using 30 minutes of Lum (20 at 90 seconds). Sbig ST-2000, Atlas mount, Megrez triplet Fluorite 80/480 at 400mm fl. Captured, pre-process Nebulosity, unguided.
SII, Ha, OIII. Sbig ST-2000XM, Atlas mount, Megrez triplet Fluorite 80/480 at 400mm fl. Guide with PHD, Captured pre-process Nebulosity, mount controls, EQDIR. Lost half my SII channel to a poor connection at camera to tube.
SII, Ha, OIII. Sbig ST-2000, Atlas mount, Megrez triplet Fluorite 80/480 Guide with PHD, capture pre-process Nebulosity, mount controls EQDIR.
Sbig ST2000XM, Atlas mount, Megrez triplet Fluorite 80/480 Red: 19@96 seconds, Green: 37@49 seconds, Blue: 43@42 seconds, Lum: 135@73 seconds. PHD, Nebulosity, EQDIR.
Sometime in 07, using a Canon Rebel XT (modified) on the 8" HPN. Celestron ASGT mount.
Also somewhere in 07, using a Canon Rebel XT (modified) on the 80mm Megrez. Celestron ASGT mount.